Name: The Automatons []
Age: 1-3 Days old. | Gender: Genderless| Birthday: N/A
Appears in: N/A

The Automatons were a construction of Nyrials right hand man, built to capture Faith for Nyrials own desires. Each robot serves a purpose. Mechanical Faith is built to find Faith. Using their turbine, they can suck in air to drag Faith closer so they can finish the job. They also have Faith's ability to dash, allowing them to try and disorient Faith using it.

Mechanical Astrid is built for power. With their large hole in the center, they try to match Faiths altitude and then strike her down with a powerful laser. Mehanical Astrid discharges an immense amount of power, so they don't use that attack often.

Finally, Prototype is a mostly unfinished copy of Thunder Faith, finished just an hour before Faith arrived, Nyrial would have Prototype put out early for the best chances of capturing Faith. They don't even have a screen to showcase their eyes. Their body and tail can emit electricity to shock anything that touches them. They are meant to Capture Faith using their cage body and their tail.

Unfortunately, these three robots cannot be powered on at the same time, due to how swiftly they were built, so each robot would tag out and attempt to capture Faith on their own.

The Automatons were a pretty fun bunch to make when making them. I originally just made Mecha Faith, inspired by both Metal Sonic and the Fan Fiend from Megaman. Mecha Faith harnesses Faith's speed and abilities. Though I began to have more fun ideas, and that spawned into Mecha Astrid and Prototype. To be completely honest, out of all of the renders I've made, this one is one of my absolute favorites, It took a lot of time to make, and while I'm still sorta unhappy with Mecha Astrid, the overall peice I'm just estatic with! Plus, I don't draw robots all too often...
Despite being three characters, they're put all together because they're pretty much the same despite the wildly different looks. I am also surprised I managed to fit all three profile icons in the bar on the top, completely unintentional that there's enough space, but I'm not complaining! Here's another fun fact, Prototype was originally named Proto-Deity, but because I keep mispelling Deity as Diety, I got rid of that. Even when typing that fact out, I made the mistake both times.