Name: Thunder Faith []
Age: Yes! | Gender: Genderless | Birthday: Unknown!
Appears in: Faith's Sky High Escapades

Thunder Faith, shorted to T. Faith is a minor god in Faith's World. Aggressive and territorial, T. Faith does not hesitate to attack those who dare approach it's home, the Great Storm. Despite how dangerous and unruly T. Faith can be, to the little sparks and clouds that reside in its home, it has a gentle and loving demanor, nurturing its co-horts and tending to their needs. It's only recently garnered enough power to create a body of its own, and, seeing Faith, decided to steal Faith's form. Adjusting the body to its liking.

T. Faith has no name, and was nicknamed by Faith herself when needing a way to refer to it once she got back home. T. Faith is incredibly strong, being capable of creating large swarms of lightning bolts. While it may fire thousands of powerful projectiles, T. Faith isn't unstoppable, those who can manage to last against this powerful foe can see it start to fizzle out. As time goes on with its rampage, it loses power, much like an electronic device; and like one, it must recharge on occasion.

T. Faith cannot speak, and instead, talks with zips and zaps. Inside it's body is their electronic core that maintains their body, and being made of clouds, if strong enough wind was to push it, the core can be exposed for heavy damage. T. Faith can shapeshift to copy other peoples looks, and or other things they desire.

Thunder Faith art!

Thunder Faith art!