Name: Winter Mahogany Halamari []
Age: 26 | Gender: Female | Birthday: September 22nd
Appears in: N/A!

Winter is a very tomboyish girl who's always looking for something to do. A trailblazer at heart, she's always the first to suggest ideas and run with them. Selfless and caring, Winter does anything she can to help others, from the most menial, to the most dangerous jobs Onkal has to offer. Luckily, Volure's always by her side to make sure she isn't too reckless.

Winter is a surprisngly fast and powerful girl, capable of taking a surprising amount of hits until she's down. Her weapon of choice is her trusty hammer, which she made herself. When slamming down at the earth below, she can cause eruptions of stalagmites to cause devastation to her foes. Both her magical and physical power are in top form.

Winter resents her past, and refuses to talk about it. It's speculated she came from a tyrant from another island as an heiress, but rejected it. It explains on the rare occasion, Winter may say something uncharacteristically condesending or outright vicious. When called out on it, Winter apologizes extremely and usually goes quiet for a couple hours out of shame.

Winter is one of the two OLDEST characters in my arsenal. they've gone through so many revisions it's silly. They've went through probably 10-20 different designs and personalities. When I was younger, Winter took on a bit of Sans from Undertale, being a prankster and generally lazy, but that's long since been removed. If modern movies existed in Onkal, Winter would absolutely loves cheesy and terrible films.
When Winter was first designed, I think I had a mage in mind for her to take on at firt, but once I gave her a hammer and shield, that changed the course of her character. She used to have a shield, and took on a more paladin-esque class, before I eventually settled on a 'Magic Knight'-esque class. Winter was raised to be a successor to Clarrise's throne, thus she was trained intensely.
Winters scarf is something that's gone through many changes. As you can see in original sprites, Winter used to own a blue, starry scarf. But then it became red because it looked nice. Then I kept flipping on a star or snow pattern. I eventually recalled that Onkal has no stars, so stars as a pattern died out, and snowflakes are a pain in the ass to draw, not to mention the idea of animating them... Thus, I decided to make the scarf pattern blank, BUT, I gave the tips of the scarf a darker red color, just to look neato!
To be entirely truthful, I don't even remember why I gave Winter her name. I suppose the blue colors and snowflake patterns? Either way, silly name for a ice element magic knight. Funny thing is, as time went on, both Winter and Volure would gain traits from Sans and Papyrus, due to me not knowing who got what dynamic, so... now they both have traits of both? Winter has the more go-getting and doing good, but is still willing to crack a joke here and there.