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Homestuck is a very popular comic, it's relatively underground, but get anyone who is on the internet too much, and they'll likely know the name of this fascinating piece of media. It's a love or hate comic. It's length, complexity and absurdity can turn people off from it, though I have a lot of love and positivity about this comic. Roughly 8k panels long, it has little interactive games, and videos sprinkled into it, making for a nice breather after reading so much and for so long.

While the comic takes time to set things up, once the ball gets rolling, it does NOT stop. It goes HARD, and it either gets GREAT or you hate it. Though Act 5, where the Trolls appear, is unanimously agreed to be the best part of the comic, to the point people tell others to skip just for them. However, this irks me a good bit, and I dislike that mentality. By skipping to the 'juiciest bits,' you end up losing a LOT of context that explains the general plot of the story...

Homestuck is a long story, and it has time travel, dimension hopping, and a LOT of characters to keep track on. However, if you're reading from the beginning and taking your time, every little detail is thought out and makes complete and total sense, each character gets plenty of time in the spotlight, even silly side joke characters get some time to shine here and there.

The worldbuilding, mechanics, and story all make complete sense. If you're confused about something, it'll either be explained soon, or you weren't paying enough attention earlier. However, after reading the first time, if you feel up to re-reading Homestuck, now with prior knowledge... The story gets even better with a clearer understanding of mechanics. Though, I understand why many wouldn't be up to it! Very few read all 8k pages, so asking for an encore is quite a tall order...

While it's length and complexity is offputting, I personally find such love and enjoyment out of it! Learning more details after conversations or re-reads/parsing through various theories/speculation on Homestuck. Analyzing the story and seeing various interpretations, what-ifs and ideas left unexplored by the main story are sometimes just as good AS the story! MSPaintFanAdventures is full of amazing, wonderful stories. Personal favorites are CoolAndNewWebcomic, Heinousstuck, Vast Error, Sburb TAS, and also... Wimpystuck.

Returning to the original topic, Homestuck is great, just the way it is, and finding people who wish to remove details or even *Characters* from the story truly upset me. Each character and detail is tantamount to what Homestuck IS. It's got flaws, and removing them would kill some of the charm the original story has.

Homestuck is silly, Homestuck is complex, Homestuck is stupid, Homestuck is itself, and I love it so much for it! Even the most hated characters have such interesting amounts of depth you don't really see in modern media. Homestuck is many things, and its writing is amazing for the most part!

Homestuck DOES have some dips of quality, as certain parts of Act 6 are a bit rushed and a little cumbersome, but outside some late rough patches, it remains a truly good story, deserving of the praise it gets! (At least, until you start getting into the sequel story.. Which I have some thoughts about, both good and bad. But thats for another time.)