Name: Faith Envolee []
Age: 19 | Gender: Female | Birthday: April 20th
Appears in: Faith's Sky High Escapades

Faith's a blind Harpy who's full of energy and has positivity in spades. Faith dislikes staying in one place for too long, and longs for adventure. She took up a job as a mailwoman in order to fly to new places and learn about the world around her. Faith is also incredibly polite and always minds her manners. Faith cannot see, and uses the wind to help her navigate. By her own magic wind or the natural breeze, Faith can sense things around her by using said wind.

Faith's strength is very lackluster, as she spent most of her life to hone her wind sense abilities, and is never typically in any danger. If she ever is, her quick reflexes allow her to quickly shoot a blunt magical feather to deter anything about to attack.

Faith lives in Olive Island in Aerin Village with her mother, Cardina. Faith and her mother live a relatively quiet life in their hometown, and most people know Faith well due to her tendency to playfully crash into places, and with her mother being a somewhat famous retired racer. Faith has only recently become a mailwoman about a couple months ago.
TFaith: Likes
Faith doesn't hold any grudges to Thunder Faith trying to kill her, and enjoys sparring with them.

Astrid: Strained
Faith knows Astrid doesn't like them very much, and is upset by this. However, they know Astrid feels excluded from events, and tries their best to make sure they feel included.

Apricot: Favorite
Faith loves spending time with Apricot. Faith loves the sound of Apricots voice, and enjoys when she reads for her. Faith hopes to one day find a gift for Apricot to show her appreciation.

Nyrial: Frustrated
Faith is frustrated and upset at their ex. After their breakup, Faith doesn't have an interest in romance at all. Nyrials obsession with Faith irritates her, and wants Nyrial to move on.

MFaith: ???

Winter: Rocky.
Faith gets a little irritated that Winter babies her. However, she understands Winter has some unlearning to do, and tries to teach Winter to do better. Winter takes Faith's teachings with seriousness, and makes sure to improve. When not having issues, the two get along great.

Volure: Enjoys
Faith needed a while to figure out how to hang out with Volure. After enough time, Faith understood Volure enjoys silence. The two now enjoy relaxing at the beach, listening to the waves. Faith also likes helping Volure out on occasion.

Demise: ???

Tyren: Enjoys
Faith loves meeting Tyren whenever they can, the two chatterboxes can go on for hours, excitedly trading information and goodies. Faith and Tyren have a small playful feud to cook the tastiest food. The two also exchange recipes as well.

- Sleeping
- Singing
- Shiny Objects
- Swimming

- Loud Noises
- Touching/Hugging
- Fighting
- Being Tired

Faith art!

Faith fan art!!!