Name: Apricot []
Age: 25 | Gender: Female | Birthday: March 3rd
Will appear in: Faith's Sky High Escapades!

A sweet woman who runs a store in Aerin town. She's come from a faraway region to settle down near the beautiful sights of the cliffsides of Aerin. She brought a lot of trinkets and goodies from this region, as well as her craftsmanship! Apricots store also doubles as her home, it's very well lit, and contains many artifacts from her home and culture. She loves history, and studies it as a hobby. She enjoys going to the local harpy library to read up on the towns history.

Apricot has troubles hearing, and uses a custom ear horn decorated with little sheep horns to hear better. She has a small collection of ear horns that she likes to use on occassion. She and Faith get along well, before Faith became a mailwoman, the two would hang out once a week so Apricot could read to her. Nowadays, Apricot and Faith don't talk all too much, but when they hang out, they both make sure to make it count.
Faith: Positive!
Apricot & Faith get along pretty well. When first meeting, Apricot found Faith a bit too high energy, but over time, Faith calmed down, and the two got along pretty quickly. Apricot enjoys Faith's willingness to listen to her about her past.

T. Faith: Neutral
The two haven't truly met, but Apricot has heard the rumors of the legendary being. She knows how dangerous they can be, but is surprised Faith managed to befriend them despite how violent the deity is.

Astrid: Strained
Apricot has mixed feelings on Astrid. The two often don't see eye to eye, Astrid is pompous, which clashes with Apricots humble personality. Despite that, Astrid always pays full price instead of the discounted prices Apricot usually offers.

- Matcha Tea
- Art (Woodwork, Stitching)
- Sorting
- Reading

- Suckups
- Pompous people
- Bullies
- Summertime

Apricot art!

Apricot fan art!!!