Name: Astrid []
Age: 21 | Gender: Female | Birthday: October 20th
Appears in: Faith's Sky High Escapades

Astrid is a harpy of few words. Astrid dreads social interaction and would rather be left alone then to deal with people. Astrid is very focused on her goals and does anything she can to achieve said goals. She's very prideful of her looks, having a very intensive routine to make sure she looks as good as she possibly can.

Astrid is incredibly strong, and has been honing her magical abilites since birth, while ignoring her physical strength. Astrid tends to struggle with carrying heavy things with either her legs or wings, which she is somewhat embarrassed about. Her magical abilities however, are very impressive. She charges her shots and when fully powered, can create sharp feathers that soar through the wind with incredibly speeds and power, rivaling that of a gun.

Astrid lives not too far from Faith, and sometimes the happy harpy will spark up a somewhat one-sided conversation with her. While at first, Astrid hated Faith with every bone in her body, due to Faith's energy being conflicting with Astrids lack of, Astrid has slowly warmed up to Faith. Astrid won't ever admit it, but when Faith left their hometown, Astrid followed with to make sure Faith wouldn't get hurt.
Other Astrid art!

Astrid Fan art!!!

Astrid is an interesting character. Astrid was originally an alt universe version of Thunder Faith where T. Faith was a harpy, but I loved Astrids design too much, and made Astrid her own character, hence why the two look so similar. As for Astrids name, a friend suggested Astrid, from the fear of thunderstorms, Astraphobia, for Thunder Faith. However, I never gave Thunder Faith that name, and it simply collected dust. However, when making Astrid, I recalled the name and gave it to her. Thanks Bagel!

Astrid is a fun little character who I'm glad I've made into their own thing, rather then just being a recolor of Thunder Faith. As for the type of bird Astrid is, once more, I didn't actually have a bird in mind when making Astrid. I just made Astrids design and was pretty happy with it! After looking up "Black bird with long tail," I got the Widowbird.